Richmond Sustainable Event

Welcome to the City of Richmond’s Sustainable Event website!

Here, event organizers of small to medium community events will find all the tools they need to plan, produce and deliver more sustainable events - including valuable resources provided by the City of Richmond.


Resources to help you run a sustainable event in Richmond.

Resources to help you run a sustainable event in Richmond.

Tell us how your event made an impact!

Tell us how your event made an impact!


What is a Sustainable Event?

Sustainability is about more than just “being green”. It is about doing things efficiently and effectively, being innovative and creating a positive impact, achieving excellence and leaving lasting legacies.

Sustainable Events Consider:


Provide a healthy and safe environment, respect human rights, respect diversity, be culturally sensitive and encourage community involvement.



Practice waste reduction, reuse and recycle, be water and energy efficiency, use ecofriendly transportation.


Save money through increased efficiency, use responsible procurement, invest in the local economy, and boost innovation..

Making Your Event More Sustainable

Waste Diversion & Recycling

Applying the City of Richmond’s Sustainable Event Toolkit